Downsizing personal belongings is one of the big tasks that must be done when you’re moving your loved one into a memory care facility in Austin. For many families and individuals living with dementia, this process can be overwhelming. Many seniors have entire rooms...
More Families Turn to Alzheimer’s Assisted Living for Person-Centered Care More than 5.8 million Americans are living with dementia due to Alzheimer’s. Primary care doctors expect that number to increase over the next five years. The Cottages is a Texas-based company...
If your loved one has been afflicted with a memory-related disorder such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, you may be considering moving them into a local facility that offers assisted living for dementia residents. Throughout Texas, there are many dementia assisted living...
If your loved one or relative has been diagnosed with a memory disorder like Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, moving them into a memory care facility is something to consider for your loved one and your family. A memory care facility in Texas provides...
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